This is my blog about my life, love and the pursuit of all things crafty...or whatever else I want

This is my blog about my life, love and the pursuit of all things crafty...or whatever else I want


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Zoey's 2010 In Review: part 1

Wow! Zoey has done so much in 1 year! She has learned to crawl, stand, walk and run...and dance. Zoey LOVES to shake it! It is so much fun to watch.
She went to the zoo for the first time in May-she loved it!
She celebrated her 1st birthday in June.
We played in the pool in our backyard during the summer and she thought that was pretty awesome.
On the 4th of July we roasted hot dogs, played in the pool and did sparklers. She also oohed and aahhed when some fireworks went off in the sky.
For Halloween, Zoey was a cute, little pirate(thanks to Carole). She got a cute little wind-up ladybug from Uncle Willie at work and never had so much candy in her entire life! She also got her first taste of caramel apple from Nana Connie. She also carved pumpkins with her cousin Serenity, Nana, Aunt Crystal and Mama.
Zoey also found out that she is going to be a big sister to a new baby brother in March. She likes to say 'baby' and point/touch Mommy's tummy. She also does the same to Daddy's tummy. She will also point to any patch of bare skin and say 'baby'. Needless to say, that one is a work in progress.
She can say Mama, Dada, Nana, Papa. Other important people in her life also include 'MoMo'-Elmo, and 'Aillou' which is Caillou. You can tell that she has her priorities figured out.
She can point to her head, hair, ears, nose, mouth, tongue on herself. For some reason on her face her eyes are in the same place as her ears, but on everybody else they are in the right place. She also knows where her tummy, arm, hands, fingers,legs, feet and toes are.
She can say eyes and nose. Uh-oh is probably the most used word currently. Zoey also believes that 'please' either signed or spoken will get her anything in the world that she wants. She likes to 'tico,tico,tico'(tickle) and be tickled.
Zoey loves to 'Re'. Reading is one of her favorite things to do. Sometimes we read book after book after book. Other times we read a page and she is done.
She loves her baby dolls and stuffed animals. She now plays with one of my old cellphones. When you ask who she is talking to, she says 'Nana'.
Zoey loves animals. She can't say any of their names yet, but if you ask her or point out an animal she does the sound. She has perfected her 'Baa','Nay','Moo','Roar','Quack'. Most of the time she knows her monkey sounds, bark, chicken. Roar works for lions, tigers, dinosaurs and bears. We are still working on cat and pig sounds.