This is my blog about my life, love and the pursuit of all things crafty...or whatever else I want

This is my blog about my life, love and the pursuit of all things crafty...or whatever else I want


Monday, August 15, 2011

Challenge #3 Whenever I...

Okay, this challenge is going to be a very sappy one.  Most who know me, know how sappy I can be.  But you know what? I only share maybe a third of those sappy things that enter my head.  You’d think it would be more since I have ‘diarrhea of the mouth’ according to Andrew. So, bring on the syrupy sap!

-Whenever I go to Applebee’s, I think of my first date with Andrew. I had the Sana Fe chicken salad and he had the Bourbon Street Steak.  We split a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

-Whenever I go to Bountiful, I think of my Grandma Sutton. What an awesome lady.  I think of her a lot more often than that, but it’s almost always is one of the front things in my mind when I go there.

-Whenever I get a ‘squish’ from Zoey, I know that my heart just melts.

-Whenever I hear someone say ‘Park City’, I think of the gorgeous sunrise hot air balloon ride that Andrew took me to on our honeymoon.

-Whenever I leave the Shopko parking lot in Bountiful, I think about the car accident that I was in just before I turned 18…and the feeling of being so scared that I thought I could leave the scene and nobody would notice…the car was totaled, I wasn’t going anywhere.

-Whenever I take pictures, I almost always try to picture them in the scrapbook layouts they will be in..but that has NEVER been accomplished.

-Whenever I go into a Sears store, I remember the time that Stephen and I went shopping there at Crossroad’s Mall.  It was Nov 2002. I bought a red turtleneck and jeans.  We actually had fun together.  It’s one of the best memories I have with my brother.

-Whenever I try a new dessert, I think about my dream of owning a bakery/café/craft boutique, and whether or not I would put that dessert on the menu.

-Whenever I look at the kids’ noses, I think of Andrew and his nose.  They are 3 of a kind.

-Whenever I think about the 'Whenever I' challenge, I start singing the Primary song 'Whenever I hear the song of bird, or look at the blue, blue sky...'.

I don’t know why, but this was REALLY hard for me to start and then a lot of things popped into my head.  I only put down about half of them…didn’t want drone on and on. I was surprised at first, because a lot of the things I thought of had a negative tone to them...don't know if it is my current mind set or what.  I TRIED to turn them positive.  Writing has never been my forte and I don’t really like it, but I think that these challenges actually challenge me to write and think about myself more(hopefully not in a selfish way). Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Awww I liked this! It's funny how feelings can alter the way things come across. I didn't think any of this was negative. And you say writing isn't your forte but I couldn't do this. And I learned something really cool about you that I didn't know about before. I think you and I will need to talk when I get home :D
