This is my blog about my life, love and the pursuit of all things crafty...or whatever else I want

This is my blog about my life, love and the pursuit of all things crafty...or whatever else I want


Monday, April 4, 2011

I have been a mom of TWO kids for a WHOLE month and...

I think that I was crazy, or maybe I have now gone crazy or a combination of the two. Zo and Jack are so adorable. I can't believe how much I love them and that they currently think that I am pretty great too. I just wish there was some type of manual out there that would give me step-by-step instructions on how to handle situations like the following:
1-How do you teach your daughter not to rip her brother's clothes and blankets off-or take his pacifier and shove it into her own mouth
2-How do you tell your daughter that while it's okay to give her brother kisses, under no circumstances are you supposed to bite his face.
3-How do you teach your daughter how to not try and ride her baby brother like a horse and say 'yeehaw' while doing so.

Regardless of how little sleep we get or energy we have, things are going okay so far. I really hope that things can go a lot better though. I have high hopes with how I picture things going in the future and I really hope that that doesn't translate into 'setting myself up for failure'.

I keep realizing almost daily that my 'little' Zoey isn't so little anymore. She is getting more and more independent(how this is possible, I still don't understand). She is probably the most feisty girl that I have ever met. I also never truly understood the word 'mischief' until now. But I have also never gotten better hugs and cuddles. She amazes me daily. I still get thrown sometimes to realize, yet again, that I am a of two awesome little people, who little personalities and lives are being shaped everyday by what I say and do. WOAH...